Guantes Expedition Gel

A cool weather glove with targeted palm padding for improved comfort.

€17,50 EUR €35,00

SKU: 14142304-021-S
Tanto si vas por asfalto, gravilla o singletrack, el guante Expedition mejorará tu conducción. El elemento clave de este guante orientado a la resistencia es la palma de gel de control 1:1®, que utiliza una almohadilla central para apoyar la curva natural de la mano, evitando la compresión nerviosa que causa entumecimiento. A diferencia de los guantes acolchados tradicionales que pueden resultar voluminosos, este diseño mantiene los puntos de contacto - bajo los nudillos y en la base de la palma - que son cruciales para el tacto del manillar. Notarás un mayor control al salir del aparcamiento y menos fatiga durante la conducción. El material de cuero sintético de la palma tiene la durabilidad y el tacto del cuero auténtico a la vez que es lavable, y el panel de Lycra del dorso proporciona una excelente transpirabilidad para mantenerte cómodo durante toda la aventura.

Wash with simple detergents without additives. Pick a gentle wash cycle. Close all zippers and hook and loop closures (“Velcro”). Tumble dry using a lower heat setting (fabric should not be hot to the touch). When in doubt (or to save energy) hang your clothing to dry. Do not use dryer sheets. Products with scents, softeners, etc. will inhibit performance of technical fabrics.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sylvie V.
Trop grand ou trop petit

J'ai acheté des gants M trop petits et les gants L sont trop grands.

Vinicius R.
Great gloves for the summer - Recommend it

Nice fit and comfortable gloves. Beautiful design and color. I recommend them.

Michael S.

Super Handschuhe leicht und sehr angenehm zu tragen

Chris H.
Fingerless Gloves

I have very large hands and find it difficult to purchase sufficiently big fingerless gloves. I ordered XXL and they fit perfectly. They are called "expedition gloves" but work fine for all purpose cycling.

James G.
Sizing fine, unsure as yet on comfort

Medium was a good fit for me: based upon palm girth measurement and sizing chart. They are not going to slide around on my hands.

Padding is quite different from the last pair of Pearl Izumi mitts I owned, but construction looks better.

Time will tell on comfort- the seam placement on the thumbs, and how that aligns with my brake hoods, might become a problem depending upon how the material wears in.

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